Where is the Bend Gonna Break?

Is this the message of a serious political party in opposition to authoritarianism, or has the race to the bottom been completed.

Extremely disappointed to point out this blatant homophobia when there are so many other problems presenting themselves.

I still believe that the two party system needs to be rethought or at least some more checks and balances to prevent this from happening AGAIN (and again, and again, ad infinitum.)

I used to think that the “center” would break away from the “right” because obviously. Now I have to imagine the “left” breaking away from the “center” and I’m not pleased about where that leads in my lifetime.

What I won’t be doing is participating in the lurch to the right. I believe we should hold all feet to the fire when the country is burning. Not just those whose opinions we disagree with, but also with those we are aligned with. Call this bullshit out if you hear it from “our side” or we will be left with the short end of the stick while they use the stick for beating.